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Willkommen auf 12schritte frei

Welcome to

Thought and dedicated is this site first for people feeling uncomfortable in 12 step groups (Alcoholics Anonymous = AA, Relatives of Alcoholics = Al-Anon, Emotions Anonymous = EA, Narcotics Anoynmous = NA, Overeaters Anonymous = OA, SA etc.), or forced to join 12 step groups or to those who left already these groups succesfully.

To Whom is this Site Dedicatet to?

Thought and dedicated is this site first for people feeling uncomfortable in 12 step groups, forced to join 12 step groups or to those who left already these groups succesfully. Physicans and lawyers will find in the WebLinks lot of further informations. In sites created by people with bad experiences in the groups.

What are 12 Step Groups?

Well known 12 step groups which appear in public as self helping groups are AA, EA, NA. Alcoholcs Anonymous, Emotional Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous. The're are lot more offsprings known, like Overeaters Anonymous and also odd ones like e.g. HIV Anonymous.

To Whom is this Site NOT Dedicatet to?

Topic of this site aren't the problems this cult officially representing in public as self helping groups, but the cult itself.

Who thinks or really has problems with drinking or think or really has a drinking relative, or abuses substances, is wrong here. That's not the topic of this site.

For serious problems with substance abuse there are other places around, in web and in real life. On the other hand it's not avoidable to scratch these topics also here. Therefore there is a link section with alternative offers.

What Against the 12 Steps?

A lot.\_ Exactly this is the topic at Here you'll find informations not provided at the offical websites of these anonymous groups. Last but not least a lot of weblinks builded up by people with bad experiences with the groups.

blog/en/welcome_to_12_schritte_frei.1654601203.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2022-06-07 13:26 von sax